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wikipaomffcd2022:start [2022/03/08 11:28] – [Errata corrige] ebertocchiwikipaomffcd2022:start [2022/03/08 11:38] (versione attuale) – [Errata corrige] ebertocchi
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 \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \gets \left. \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \right|_{F \gets 0,I \gets 0} = \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \left( P, H \right) \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \gets \left. \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \right|_{F \gets 0,I \gets 0} = \tilde{u}_\mathrm{B} \left( P, H \right)
 $$ $$
 +where "$\gets$" is the assignment operator; analogous treatise are performed to obtain $\tilde{u}_\mathrm{C}, \tilde{w}_\mathrm{C},\tilde{w}_\mathrm{D}$.
-A solution scheme based on the //principle of virtual works// (vs. the second Castigliano theorem) is not prone to this subtle error, since the  tracer virtual unit action used to obtain the consistent virtual displacement/deformation field is --since //virtual// -- uncoupled with both the //real// external forces and the //real// parametrically defined reactions.+A solution scheme based on the //principle of virtual works// (and not on the second Castigliano theorem) is not prone to this subtle error, since the  tracer virtual unit action used to obtain the consistent virtual displacement/deformation field is -- since //virtual// -- uncoupled with both the //real// external forces and the //real// parametrically defined reactions.
 ==== Planar beam structure i.p. and o.o.p. loadings ==== ==== Planar beam structure i.p. and o.o.p. loadings ====
 The beam structure centroidal axis lies on a plane, which is also a symmetry plane for the cross-sections.  The beam structure centroidal axis lies on a plane, which is also a symmetry plane for the cross-sections. 
wikipaomffcd2022/start.1646738882.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2022/03/08 11:28 da ebertocchi