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wikifemfuchde2018:lez_2018-03-28 [2018/04/04 06:12] – [Thin walled profile in torsion] ebertocchiwikifemfuchde2018:lez_2018-03-28 [2018/05/02 06:15] (versione attuale) – [Thin walled profile in torsion] ebertocchi
Linea 1: Linea 1:
 +===== Ladder frame chassis - conclusions =====
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:quarter_ladder_frame_v003.wxmx | foglio maxima "ladder frame" a fine lezione del 7 marzo}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:channel_section_v006.wxmx |foglio maxima "Channel section" a fine lezione precedente}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:channel_section_results.wxmx | estratto
 +risultati foglio maxima "Channel section" lezione precedente}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:quarter_ladder_frame_v004.wxmx | foglio maxima a fine lezione, limiti vari}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:quarter_ladder_frame_v005.wxmx | foglio maxima a fine lezione, grafico dipendenza ts da spessore}}
 +command line for running Mentat
 +  mentat2013.1 -ogl -glflush
 +===== Thin walled profile in torsion =====
 +Open thin-walled rectangular cross section profile (a longitudinal cut is performed at the lateral wall center line, whose kerf (width) is negligible), 120x40mm outer dimensions,  2mm wall thickness.
 +(Dimensions at the midsurface: 118x38mm), element size ranging from ~10mm to ~20mm. 
 +{{:wikifemfuchde2018:analisi_sezione_a_torsione.pdf |sorgente ipe}}
 +At the A cross section, a skew-symmetry material continuity constraint is applied.
 +The kinematic constraint at the B point (sphere in cylinder joint) is a positioning constraint, along with the $w_A=0$ axial constraint in A. 
 +A twist per unit length equaling 0.001 radiant/mm is imposed to the profile, i.e. a $\psi_B=0.001 \cdot l$ (it was, __erroneously__, $\psi_B=0.0005 \cdot l$) rotation is imposed at each end, where $l$ is the  $z$ axial coordinate of the endpoints, being z=0 at the skew-symmetry plane.
 +The reaction moment associated with the constraint will determine the applied torque $T$.
 +modello iniziale
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_v000.mud |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_v002.mud |}}
 +model, as at the end of the April, 17 lesson
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_x16_v004.mud |}}
 +model, as at the beginning of the May, 2 lesson
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_l01_r01_open_v004.mud |}} 
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_l01_r02_open_v004.mud |}}
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:profile_in_torsion_l01_r04_open_v004.mud |}}
 +spreadsheet for the analysis of the results
 +{{ :wikifemfuchde2018:foglio_di_calcolo_rigidezza_torsionale_trave_ffcd2018_v002.ods |}}
 +[[|Area stoccaggio file lezione corrente]]